Being a medical doctor is one of the most demanding jobs in the world if not the most demanding. It is a job where any error can literally cost lives. I have to admit that I wouldn't want this kind of responsibility and therefore I have always found it unfair when doctors are sued over genuine errors they made. Imagine if you would be sued over any error you made at work.
Unfortunately this responsibility and their willingness to accept it leads also to a, I dare say, arrogant, attitude on the part of many doctors. They are well aware of their accomplishment by having been to Med School and many simply stop listening to their patients.
I know all too well that in times of internet and social services each of us believes to be a doctor themselves and hypochondriacs are literally blosoming, actually I have googled myself my symptoms in a few ocasions. The question is why is the happening?
I believe this is due to the change in the doctors behaviour. Only a few years back you went to the doctor told him what was going on, he would listen to you, ask a few additional questions and finally figure out what was wrong with you.
Today the experience is a different one. You go to the doctor and first thing is that you have to wait for what feels like ages, no matter if you are running a fever or are getting sick every 5 minutes. Of course there are often emergencies but more than once they simply don't care.
I remember once when I went to the doctor with a flu having high fever. Actually it was such a high fever that it was highly irresponsible to even drive, but I lived alone in that city, so I had no other choice. When I arrived to the doctor at around 11 am I was told that they didn't have time to me until afternoon. I asked them to let me stay in the practice until then but they decline, so I had to drive home and return in the afternoon.
Recently I had even a worse experience. I have been suffering from severe nettle rash for over a year now. Unless I am on medication my skin is covered in large wheals, that itch so badly that I can't sleep or I will scratched myself bloody and my eyelids swell shut. To make a short story simple it is a nightmare. When I went to the first dermatologist and explained the symptoms to my doctor he responded with the most stupid question ever: And what is it that you want from me?
Excuse me? I was suffering from a medical problem and went to a doctor, what could I want? Help?
After some back and forth he sent me to several other doctors, some of whom responded to my explaining why I was there with: You know I am not a dermatologist right?
The result is that after 1 year, 3 visits to the ER in the hospital and 8 doctors and I finally found a doctor who is willing to take my problem seriously. He decided to sent me to a special clinic and asked his assistant to arrange an appointment for me. Unfortunately the clinic requested that I go again through the whole procedure I have already been through. Yes, you read right, so while we always here how the medical system has problems with the budget I am suppose to repeat the useless procedure again.
I believe this is because a nettle rash is simply boring to them. Everybody wants to find a cure for AIDS or otherwise write a prescription for a flu and then drive home in their BMW.
I think that choosing to be a medical Doctor should be about more than just money or a challenge. It should be coming from the deep wish to help others. It shouldn't be about money or reputation but about the patient and helping him.
The result is that after 1 year, 3 visits to the ER in the hospital and 8 doctors and I finally found a doctor who is willing to take my problem seriously. He decided to sent me to a special clinic and asked his assistant to arrange an appointment for me. Unfortunately the clinic requested that I go again through the whole procedure I have already been through. Yes, you read right, so while we always here how the medical system has problems with the budget I am suppose to repeat the useless procedure again.
I believe this is because a nettle rash is simply boring to them. Everybody wants to find a cure for AIDS or otherwise write a prescription for a flu and then drive home in their BMW.
I think that choosing to be a medical Doctor should be about more than just money or a challenge. It should be coming from the deep wish to help others. It shouldn't be about money or reputation but about the patient and helping him.