Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Same Sex Marriage - Something I fully support!

Same sex marriage is nowadays one of the biggest topics in society, if not the biggest topic. Of course people in a same sex relationship fight to get the possibility to marry whom they love and I think this is great. I mean wouldn't you fight for the right to marry whom you love? Although I am straight I fully support the cause, because being a romantic person I want everybody to experience their own "and they lived happily ever after". 

But then there are the "other straight people". Those who don't get tired of citing religion, 200 year old laws etc. where apparantly it was stated that marriage was only supposed to be something between man and woman. These people I have to ask something: Are you kidding  me? 

Ironically these are the same people who love stories like "Romeo & Juliet" where people fight for a love others condemn. Is the gender question really that important? It is not like anybody is asking you to get married to someone of your sex if you don't want to. 

First of all I want to state one thing: Are you aware why the father of the bride hands the bride to the groom at church during a wedding? It was a sign of the "deal" that took place. Basically the woman was property being passed over. I guess none of us wants to get back to that. Right? So this holy ceremony back then was basically a sale, so like it or not: It already has changed from its original meaning, so why not changing it a little more? 

Also, what is it to you, if the guy next door marries another guy or if the girl in the supermarket wears the same wedding band as her wife? Would she do her job better if she was married to a guy? Most likely the opposite as she would feel miserable in a relationship she doesn't want and pretending to be someone she isn't. 

So please, maybe  I am too stupid to understand but where is the disavantage for straight couples if same sex couples can also get married? Apparantly many people think there is one otherwise I don't understand why they oppose, so please someone enlighten me. 

Another thing I hear often is that gay or lesbian people are supposed to have a very promiscuisous lifestyle. For people using that argument I have two rather simple counter-arguments. The first is the divorce rate among straight couples. I guess I don't need to comment on that any further. My second argument is that straight people have often enough the same lifestyle. If you don't believe me just hit the dating scene for one night and all I am writing will make sense.

Something that makes me particular sad is when I hear about teenage bullying victims. It is extremely tragic when someone takes his or her life, because they are bullied for trying to be honest about who they are. But what we shouldn't forget in this cases is that the bullies usually are inidoctrinated at their social surrounding from a very young age with the bullshit they later torture their victims with. It is there where the change has to start, so that the following generation won't even see the neccesity of discussing the same sex marriage as we don't see the neccesity to discuss that women are allowed to vote or that people with different ethnic heritage share the same bus. Just as it should be. 

A great campaign to change things in this aspect it the "Straight But Not Narrow" project supported by people like actor Josh Hutcherson. Their message is as simple as it is true: We are straight but cool with people being gay. For further information check their webside:

So please, if before reading this article you were opposed to the same sex marriage ask youself why? Is there any disadvantage for you and would you react the same way if your neighbour would by a black Toyota instead of a red one? The answer is you wouldn't because it is none of your business and doesn't hurt you. For now I am not asking you to actively support same sex marriage, but I am asking you to at least stop opposing it. 

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