After having finished writing the novel and the first round of editing I thought it is about time to post my next writing update. I have to admit I underestimated the part of the work that I am facing now. Since now writing feels actually like work, but you know what is amazing? I love every second of it! It is a good feeling to know that I am approaching my passion with professionalism and it makes me proud.
Right now my novel is in the hands of my valued "test readers" for the second round of editing. Since it is one of the deadly sins for a writer to edit their own novel, because you end up overlooking errors.
Right now my novel is in the hands of my valued "test readers" for the second round of editing. Since it is one of the deadly sins for a writer to edit their own novel, because you end up overlooking errors.
That doesn't mean I am being idle, on the contrary. Lots of my time is now dedicated to preparing the next stage: Trying to sell it! This is a very tedious part as it takes time to browse through countless websides of editors, publishers and agents to see if they are right for me and my book or should I say: If I am right for them?
Then there is also the issue about professional proof readers. Although I think my grammar and spelling are not bad (particularly in german, which is the language my book is presently written in) I think a professional proof reader will be a good thing, since I want to avoid that spelling errors divert from the actual story. Of course this is also a matter of financial means.
I have also started to work on the english translation in order to be able to approach a wider range of agents and publishers. The spanish translation is also being worked on (Thank god for family members with lots of time).
But that is only half the task. The other half is finding out about procedures, dos and donts and how to succeed. But my personal approach is going to be exactly that: Personal! I don't believe in pre-written coverletters but in something original that sticks out, after all I am not trying to sell insurances but a fantasy novel, right?
As you can see I am being extremely busy and hopefully will soon be able to post about the first feedback and good news.
As you can see I am being extremely busy and hopefully will soon be able to post about the first feedback and good news.
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