Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Some thoughts on War, Tolerance, Freedom and Kindness

Some of my regular readers might be aware that I am studying history and therefore am very interested in the evolution of human society and of humanity itself. Unfortunately the more I learn the more I realize that we haven't evolved at all, as least by far not at much and we should have. What is worse is that we lie to ourselves about having evolved. It was this realization that let me to write this post. 

Let's start with my thoughts on war. One thing is for sure: War is certainly one of the most terrible things humanity is capable of. Albert Einstein's quote still states the very simple truth: 

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,
but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

It doesn't matter how far we look back there have always been cruel wars fought by humanity. While the Roman Empire is to be considered an important step on the evolution of modern society it was of course build on wars. Has our attitude about wars really changed since then? 

I am afraid is hasn't, at least not enough. I have caught myself a few times thinking that a certain conflict had been necessary due to one party's actions. Isn't that proof enough? That we still consider something the leads to the death of thousands even an option is atrocious! I am sure some of you thought like this on occasions, when we saw news reports of civilians being killed by their own government etc. 

Maybe war is in these cases some sort of lesser evil, but isn't that proof of how humanity has still a long way to go? The truth is, that it is not enough until every person has learnt that war is never an option to solve a conflict but that is should be something of a long gone past.
Presently we are again seeing the cruelest side of war in Gaza. We see hospitals being bombed and children being slaughtered. Honestly is doesn't matter, who did what because there cannot be any excuse for that. 

It doesn't matter, what has happened throughout history or what leader has ordered what, because it has nothing to do with the four-year-old who died in a hospital after having her tonsils removed. The four-year-old, who didn't even understand to what country or religion she belonged and just wanted to go home to her mother. Your conflict had nothing to do with her! That she paid for political leaders' ignorance is just wrong and unfair.
There is absolutely no excuse for that!

Something that is closely linked to war is the lack of tolerance. Truth to be told I am usually a very empathic person and can manage to at least understand the other person's point of view, although I might not agree. With intolerance however I cannot. It is really beyond me, why so many people are concerned about whom their neighbor prays to or whom he loves. Why does it matter? Does it change anything in your own life? No it doesn't! You will be married to the same person no matter if you neighbor has married a man or a woman. 

Actually I consider tolerance a healthy way of egoism. You mind basically your own business and leave the others in peace (As long as they are not hurting anybody of course!). I wonder why the same people that are opposing such things as same sex marriage can watch for years as women are being mistreated by their husbands. Someone please explain that logic to me! You get into your neighbor’s business to prevent them from having a loving and caring relationship but it gets too uncomfortable, when "your nosiness" could actually do some good? 

This leads me to the next point: Freedom! Freedom is not only a right but also a duty. People, who live in countries, where they can be themselves, without fearing backlash have the duty to speak up for those who cannot. We, as I count myself to these lucky people, need to raise our voices to help and support those who cannot speak for themselves. We need to draw attention to them and support them to the best of our abilities so that one day they might enjoy the same freedom we do. 

It can be simple things like signing petitions, supporting causes or even by voting for the proper government for our home countries. We need to help those who are less fortunate than us. 

This brings me finally to kindness. Kindness is the essence of the modern society we should be working towards. Only kindness will help us to close the gaps in society and make sure everybody has at least sufficient to leave. Kindness is what will prevent us from being cruel to each other and what will open our eyes to differences, we shouldn't hate but rather embrace. 

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