Recently I have read the my generation (Born in the 70ies or 80ies) is considered the generation of expectations and I think that might be true. We were the first generation in the western world, in which the majority of people grew up in decent financial circumstances and the most urgent needs were fullfilled. Universities were no longer just open to the upper classes and we could choose freely, who we wanted to be and everything seemed possible.
You might say: But these are good things and you are right. But this luxury came with a price, the price of unfilled dreams and inattainable expectations. Seeing all the options laid out in front of us, we all started dreaming and pushing us further than we might be able to reach,while sometimes our true goal lies right in front of us. Why should you try to be a world class scientist just because you can, while you would be much happier being a hairdresser? The questions asked shouldn't be: What can I... but rather what do I want....
Our generation lost the focus for what they really want in favour of the highest achievable goal, because we are sold the concept that the more the better. But what is wrong with the simple life? Why should we choose the higher goal, just because we can?
In my personal opinion this is also responsible for many mental illnesses. One could argue that years ago people would not speak up about it. This is most likely true but I believe that also modern lifestyle has led to an increase of mental illnesses like OCD, depression and burn-out syndrome, as we live lives that are opposed to our nature.
In my personal opinion this is also responsible for many mental illnesses. One could argue that years ago people would not speak up about it. This is most likely true but I believe that also modern lifestyle has led to an increase of mental illnesses like OCD, depression and burn-out syndrome, as we live lives that are opposed to our nature.
This is also becoming a problem for society. Here in Germany companies that train young people for manual jobs like mecanics, hair dressers, bakers and many more are having problems to cover all apprentice positions and one can only wonder why this might be. Have all young people lost interest in manual jobs? Maybe their appeal has indeed dimished or people have decided to follow societies pressure rather than their own wishes.
But this problem can not only be seen in the career choice: How about fashion? Instead of choosing to wear what we actually like, we run into stores and buy something we are told by some people is hip. Imagine how interesting the world would look, if people would wear what the really like. People wearing outfits composed of stuff from different decades and wearing original make-up. Wouldn't that be amazing?
In general we are told to follow a certain pattern with our life or better we are expected to. This is great for some or maybe even most people for some it is not.
In any case it is getting more difficult to be ourselves these days, because we are bombarded with so many options and things, that we overhear the voice of our subconsciousness. And even if we do hear it, it is sometimes hard to follow it due to the overwhelming reaction by your surroundings. Just try to wear something a little more extravagant than your usual style. It will cause interesting reactions. Some people will love it, others will tell you that they prefer you usual style but most people will frown upon it.
The point is not be put off by that, because sooner or later people get used to it and admire you individuality and that you dare being yourself. New people you meet will also react in a more positive way, because they perceive you as authentic.
Start with little stuff and you will see how liberating it is to be your true self. Yes, some people will turn their back on you. But are those people the sort of people you want to have in your life?
Maybe the key to all this is to redefine "success". These days success is usually messured by economic status and social standing. Perhaps we should consider a success to be who we really are. Sometimes a simpler life is more rewarding than a life on the fast lane.
The point is not be put off by that, because sooner or later people get used to it and admire you individuality and that you dare being yourself. New people you meet will also react in a more positive way, because they perceive you as authentic.
Start with little stuff and you will see how liberating it is to be your true self. Yes, some people will turn their back on you. But are those people the sort of people you want to have in your life?
Maybe the key to all this is to redefine "success". These days success is usually messured by economic status and social standing. Perhaps we should consider a success to be who we really are. Sometimes a simpler life is more rewarding than a life on the fast lane.
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