Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Environmental Protection: Ten Commandments to help save our Planet

When it comes to environmental protection most people consider it impossible to make a diference being a single individual, but actually it is the other way around. Because that is what humanity is:

Many single individuals and the efforts of every single one added together are what makes the world change.
Everybody or at least the vast mayority of people would agree, if asked, that the ecology is one of their main concerns. We are slowly killing this planet, but while people seem to care it is only a small minority that actually tries to stop it or even reverse this process.
The problem is that most of us are not aware of how easily we can start being active regarding ecology, without too much effort. It might not be sufficient to save the planet, but it will slow the decay down, if we all do our share. It is just 10 points and trust me, if we all follow them we can start to make a difference:
  1. Reduce the showering time per day to 10 minutes. No worries, this is more than sufficient time to be clean afterwards, it is better for your skin AND it will safe you money down the line.
  2. If you are not in the room, turn off the light (unless it is a neon lamp; with those the energy waste might be higher if often turn on and off), also avoid leaving TVs and laptops on standby. This will safe a lot of energy and money!
  3. Before taking the car consider public transportation or walking. Isn't it ironic we spend money and time in the gym to work out, while we use the car for a trip around the corner, instead of walking 5 minutes?
  4. If you work in office consider carefully what you need to print. In case you have "fail prints" try to re-use them as note paper. Many offices already do this and even have a printer drawer filled with paper, that has been printed already on one side. Also here the saving for the ecology equals to a significant saving of money.
  5. Recycle at least your paper and glass. Check in your town, what other options you have to recycle, as most middle sized towns (at least in Europe) offer the possibilities to also recycle stuff like batteries, tins, plastic etc. If you think this is just annoying and not worth it, consider what kind of world you want to leave your kids. A world full of trash, where breathing fresh air is a luxury or a world where you can still enjoy nature!                               
  6. If you have a garden consider the possibility of a compost pile. This will take some extra work, but the soil is excellent and you have an ecological way of disposing swill.  
  7. When you go to the grocery store take reusable shopping bags with you. You can get those made of cloth or you can even use the average plastic bag a few times or you can use a shopping a basket etc. No matter what you use, just try to avoid a bunch of new plastic bags every time you go shopping.
  8. If you decide to buy a new car don't only consider looks, price and extras, but also things like milage and inform yourself about alternatives like hybrids, electric cars etc.
  9. In Winter use the heating carefully. If you are leaving the house for several hours (e.g. when you go to work) turn it down, so the energy isn't wasted. Also if living in an old building make sure that the windows' sealing is good. An new one might costs some money in the beginning, but the savings in engery costs make it worth quickly.
  10. This is probably the most important point: Try to teach other people more awareness of environmental protection!
I am very well aware, that we have all heard these or similar points and that although all of these are important, non will reverse the process that has already started. The important thing is to increase the awareness with people and to get them willing to do their part.

It is not about being perfect but about the attitude. Keep in mind, every piece of trash avoided is one piece less polluting our planet.

For those replying: It is none of my business. Just tell them this: As long as you live on the planet it concerns you too, because there is no escape.

So let's try to do our bit and keep your eyes open, then you will see lots of oportunities to help save earth!

1 comment:

  1. Very important topic! We all should wake up and do something to save and protect our environment and planet. Not just because we should save the world for our own species but much more important because we destroyed too much of the nature and recourses already! What about all the animals and plants? They should have a right of existance too. But most humans just don't care at all.
