Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Politics and critics

When it comes to politics there is an infinty of possibilities of how to deal with it and it seems to as many different types of people. But if you take a closer look you notice that it is only three kinds of people.

First we have the activists. Some of them simply carefully decide who to vote for or they work voluntarily for the party they believe to be best suited for the job in question. Others choose to run for an office themselves or maybe to go the unortodox way of protesting to make their voice heard. Although these people are often different in their approach to the matter, they all have something in common: They care about society and try to help it to move into the direction they think is the right one. It is them who make the world progress.

Then we have the passive folks. They are not interested in politics and have made peace with the fact that someone has to do take care of it. They don't constantly complain about politics and accept that sometimes they win and sometimes they loose. They appreciate that there are people who take care of things like public health systems, job creation, infrastructure, evironment protection and kindergardens just to name a few, so they don't have to deal with it.

Finally we have those, that are constantly complaining about politics but cannot even be bothered to vote. Their usual argument is "all parties just suck". These people behave like the annoying sport's fan that watches from the side line and believe he could do everything better, without ever daring to perform.

I have to admit that in the past I considered myself part of the second group, but as caring adult I find myself more and more drifting into the first group.

While I still don't dare to go into politics not even on a city level I try to do my part to ensure that society is in good hands. No matter if it is by voting, publicly supporting a cause I consider just (e.g. NOH8) or if neccessary hitting to street in protest.

What I find inacceptable are the people from the third group. Needless to say that corruption and scandals in politics are intolerable. If someone decides to take office they need to do this with ethical responsibilty and above all honesty, as they have been elected by the people to represent them. If this is the case these people, who are willing to take this burden, deserve our respect and gratitude and also a certain understanding for not being perfect.

These days when the news papers are full of terms like "multi-tasking" we should take a break and consider what this actually means for politicians. It is easy for us to say: They should improve the health care system, but on the other hand all of us fear an increase of the taxes. We all want to take care of the ambience but most of us would not give up the luxury of our car and so on. This list could be endless!

In my opinion we all have to think of what we as a society really need and what we have to do for it.

We can only be successful if we are willing to pay a price.

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