Monday, December 22, 2014

Addicted to Toxic People

During the course of our life we meet many people, some are important to us and enrich our life and some are not. But there is also a third kind, which are commonly referred to as toxic people and they poison our life, without even being aware of it. 

This doesn't mean that those people are bad persons they are just bad for us. It can be anyone from an old school buddy who gets you drunk and in trouble, it can be your ex who you stay in touch with only to be always hurt upon hearing how good he or she is doing, the former working colleague whose life story depresses you within five minutes. What do all these people have in common and what is more important: What do we keep them in our lives? 

I believe that we keep these people in our lives despite their ill effect mainly because of our conscience. We are taught since early childhood that the people in your life are extremely important and this is a good thing but sometimes the message gets "distorted" in our minds. Therefore we believe we should keep people in our life at all cost. 

We are led to believe that removing someone from our life or letting them go makes us a bad or weak person, because we didn't fight enough to keep things working but actually this is wrong. 

In German there is a term for a partner in a relationship which is "Lebensabschnittsgefährte". You could translate this loosely with "life period companion" which I think can be used for all sorts of relationships not just the romantic sort.

Maybe someone was very important to you for example during school, that doesn't mean this person has to be important for you all your life. You could choose different paths in life and develop in different directions. Is it is a failure if you can't keep the friendship up? Of course not! The fact that the time you shared was limited doesn't mean it was less valuable for any of you, is simply means that you reached a cross roads where you decided to take different paths. Your companionship is over. 

This leads me back to what we have learnt about relationships as children. We learnt that everything has to be forever and so we perceive any ending as failure. It is not in vain that all fairytales end with "and they lived happily ever after". And let's be honest: This is incredibly appealing and in some cases it is true but in some it just isn't. 

If we can't accept that a relationship has run its course it can become toxic to us, since they have no longer a natural place in our life and you could say the relationship is past its expiry date and therefore is has gone sour. 

But then there are also other toxic people, which have never had a positive influence in our life, not even for one minute. Yet somehow we can't seem to distance ourselves from them, we are like moths flying into the fire. In these cases we have to ask to look inside ourselves and ask ourselves why? Are we masochistic? Do we believe we can change this people? Are we blind to the true essence of the rotten relationship? I think in most case we lie to ourselves and actually believe we gain something after all. We believe we can put up with all the crap because after all we get something out of it. It can be social standing, irresponsible fun or another thing the gives us a certain kick. Because that is what it is all about after all a kick, which makes this sort of relationship addictive.

These people are toxic to most people in their life yet they are always surrounded by others because they are charismatic which is what makes them in a way dangerous. Their presence has an addictive quality. Good examples for people like this are cult leaders like David Koresh or Charles Manson. Those people gain huge numbers of followers, despite their at best mediocre education, looks and knowledge. 

Of course these are extreme cases but they are helpful when proving the point. Some people have an unreasonable appeal, which is why we keep them in our lives despite their lack of human qualities. The problem with these people is that they are aware of their appeal and use it to manipulate people around them and this is where is gets dangerous. They start using their "followers" for their own advantage, which in harmless cases is just for fun but in the cases of the above mentioned cult leaders it had deadly consequences. 

The most important thing about toxic people or relationships with them is to view them for what they are: An unhealthy thing in our life! The next step is to carefully remove those relationships from our life. You can do it the harsh way by announcing it to the people in question or you can do it the soft way by letting the phone ring, taking more time than before to answer message and not being so "available". That is something you have to choose for yourself because some of these people can be very possessive and they will try to cling to you if you try to get rid of them. 

At first it will be hard or awkward but once this is done you will feel better, not just because a negative influence in your life has vanished but because you will have more time and energy for the things and people that really matter to you. 

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