Monday, April 9, 2012

Social Networks - Blessing or Curse?

These days being member of at least one social network seems almost as essential as speech. But as with all things we need to ask ourselves are they a blessing or a curse? I am well aware of the irony that I am writing this article on a blog, that is also a sort of social network platform.

Let me start by saying that I am an avid user of social networks. I think they are a wonderful way to stay in touch with people from all over the world and also to meet new people. Many of the people I call friends these days have I met through social networks. It is a great way to organize events, reach people and share things. Why would I write a blog, have a twitter and facebook account if I didn't think so? But I often I cannot but wondering if it really is all blessing.

In our times of Facebook and other social networks the word "friend" has been distorted from its original meaning. For my generation and even more the generation of my parents a "friend" was pretty much someone who knew the worst of you and still loved you. But what is a friend nowadays? In social networks we can get "friends" by a simple mouseklick. Some people even sent friend requests without knowing someone or even adding a message. I often wonder what the background of this is. Some people even told me, there were dating someone they had met on a social network. There is nothing wrong with that you might think, until I tell you they hadn't even met this person in real life. So I find myself wondering, if there is an unhealthy developement happening in society.

In 1995 the movie "The Net", starring Sandra Bullock, seemed surreal, as most of the lead character's life was organized through her computer and she hardly had any personal contact with other people. But if we watch it today our perception of it has changed, as a lot of it is normal these days.

The 2009 movie "Surrogates" with Bruce Willis even takes it one step further. People in the movie  avoid human contact entirely by using remote controlled androids instead of going outside themselves. The thought that when watching this movie in 20 years it could feel less awkward scares me to death!
So let's take social networks as useful tool, nothing more, nothing less. I am glad for having gotten the chance to meet so many wonderful people through it. But it was only through meeting them in person and shared laughs and tears that I really got to know them and came to consider them friends. I hope I will have the chance to meet more people thanks to net working and share at least a cup of coffee and a chat with them or you.

Now I am going out to meet with a friend of mine, whom I have met through a social net work.


  1. To me it is a blessing! Sure there are good and bad sites of everything but overall I think it is awesome to have this opportunities today! Connecting with people all over the world... Thinking of families who live in different countries or people who are always on the road! It is a great way to stay in touch but there should not be more and more social network providers... Instead it would be great to see them working together to make it easier for the people. We would not need too many accounts on too many other providing networks.

  2. Interesting idea with the networks working together! I agree that mostly they are good, people just need to be careful in not exclusively relying on them. Because there is nothing like personal contact, but in cases when it is not possible the net works offer wonderful oportunities, especially when it comes to meeting new people!
